Baby Safe is crowdfunding soon!!

by | Jul 30, 2018

We have partnered with one of Europe’s leading equity crowdfunding platforms to launch a crowdfunding campaign and give you a unique opportunity to contribute to the future of Baby Safe.

We are opening pre-registrations to you first, to get an indication of how we can enhance our upcoming campaign. When the campaign opens you will be able to help us raise capital in exchange for shares in Baby Safe.

If you are interested in joining us on this exciting journey, please enter your email address we will then keep you updated on the progress of our campaign. By pre-registering, you will also be one of the first to know when the campaign goes live.


Your email will be collected and stored by us purely for periodic updates about our crowdfunding campaign. You may unsubscribe at anytime. Your email will not be shared with any third parties.

Why are we Crowdfunding?

Baby Safe has so far developed the Safe Sleep Seat purely as a self funded project by the CEO, Lisa Walford.  We are now at the point where to progress the concept further to the final development stage and bring the Safe Sleep Seat to market, having now been granted a UK Patent protecting the concept design, we believe it is the time to give you the exciting opportunity to invest and become part of the Safe Sleep Seat story.

Maximising our Potential!

By raising funds through Crowdfunding, we will also raise the Baby Safe profile through a dedicated marketing campaign, as well as asking you to share the developments and progress through your own contacts.

In doing this the Safe Sleep Seat will have a market presence prior to launch, enabling the full potential of this product in an ever growing market place.

Why Join the Baby Safe Campaign?

Baby Safe is an award winning startup with a truly unique product, protect by a UK patent, targeting an ever expanding market worth in excess of £921 million.

Baby Safe has further ideas for future products and would be looking to develop these once the Safe Sleep Seat is in the retail market, ensuring longevity for the company and it’s supporters.

How to join? Firstly we ask you to complete the interest form above, we will then keep in regular contact to guide you through the process once we go live. You can pledge as little as £10 to as much as you like, there is no obligation and you can change you mind at anytime.

When you make a pledge, no funds are taken until the full target amount has been reached, this safeguards all parties involved.

Pre-register now by completing the form above.